The Vulture & The Eagle: A Sales Parable

The Vulture & The Eagle: A Sales Parable

It’s probably never been great etiquette to speak about ‘killing’ customers beyond the walls of investment banking firms prior to the last financial crash, but wild creatures offer so much scope for comparison to salespeople that I ...
5 things I wish I knew as a young salesmen

5 things I wish I knew as a young salesmen

Presentations suck I don’t even remember the last time I took a laptop into a sales meeting, but it has been years and years. There was a time when I would roll out a presentation as soon as I sat in front of a prospect, but once I ...
Customers for Life!

Customers for Life!

Building lifetime relationships with your clients The most successful companies place great value on developing lifetime relationships with their customers. In today’s competitive marketplace, they are aware that their customers are ...
Gain a full hour every day

Gain a full hour every day

How do I gain a full hour every day? Time is the most scarce resource for any salesperson but there are all sorts of little pockets of unused time at your disposal every day that you probably don't ever notice. Sitting and waiting ...
It’s time to sell professionally!

It’s time to sell professionally!

Our great profession of sales has a bad name, doesn't it? Many people use the term "sales person" as a label for anyone they think is pushy, lazy and dishonest. This is a nightmare for professional sales people who don’t deserve this ...
Time to think, time to do…

Time to think, time to do…

If you have time to think about it, you have time to do it...  Think about this for a second: if you added up the amount of time you spend thinking about doing things and put it all together, how many of those things would you have ...
I am a Sales Professional!

I am a Sales Professional!

I focus on how I can make a difference The value that I can bring to my prospects and customers lies in nothing other than making improvements to their current situation. Whether that’s making them faster, more efficient, more ...
Are your people growing???

Are your people growing???

Are your people growing or just repeating the same year again and again?   You’ll certainly have encountered the phenomenon of the multiple ‘year-one’ salesperson before, but are you nurturing such people more than you ...
Up your face-to-face time!

Up your face-to-face time!

Some call it management by walking around. Some call it management by personal touch. Whatever name you want to give it, there are strong arguments for upping your face-to-face activity next time you need to deal with a member of your ...
If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me!

If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me!

One of the best pieces of advice I have ever read was the one above. It’s brilliant because it is transformational … it doesn’t mean that I have to do all the work. It doesn’t mean that everything falls in my lap all the time. It ...
The 3 questions you must never ask prospects!

The 3 questions you must never ask prospects!

In sales, your level of success is strongly related to the type of questions that you ask. If you ask great questions, you will get great answers, engagement, create discussion and unlock potential buying opportunities. If you ask ...

Have you closed your business for 2017?

It’s an exciting time for many salespeople, thinking about the holidays ahead and a well-deserved break. It’s also an expensive time of the year and your bank balance is in direct proportion to the value you have brought to your ...