Gain a full hour every day


How do I gain a full hour every day?

Time is the most scarce resource for any salesperson but there are all sorts of little pockets of unused time at your disposal every day that you probably don’t ever notice. Sitting and waiting for a meeting or for a colleague to join you when you head out on a joint sales call for instance. What about when a customer calls to say they are running late? It may give you no more than five or ten minutes, but if you are ready to use them you can get a load of small tasks out of the way which collectively could save you an hour per day. Do some of these:

  1. Have a list of ‘must call’ or ‘haven’t called for a while’ customers handy and call one or two.
  2. Read that article you’ve been meaning to, which will help you understanding a concept or a problem.
  3. Clear out some clutter. Old phone numbers, old items on your to-do list, old emails, voicemails and SMSs. Clutter is a time sapper.
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