The Most Beautiful Music


First came the Internet, then came Live Chat and now we have Social Media. Information that once took months to travel now happens in seconds (and in full high definition). What we cannot deny is that every day that Google, Facebook or Twitter alter their algorithm the world is moving closer and closer together. And yet where is the real money being made – all the places and offerings where things are personal.

What is the lesson? The more things change, the more they remain the same. Results-based selling is based on relationships. This is true whether your sale happens in 7 minutes or 7 years, and whether or not you are the sales director or the receptionist.

The question is why? The answer is simple. The most beautiful music for someone to listen to is their own name – being spoken in a positive way. We all want to hear our name being used in a positive framework and we all yearn for recognition. The ‘Internet Giants’ try every day to make your experience more personal, more like you, and they spend billions of dollars to make this happen.

How come? They do it because they know they will make it back. It is not about you, it is about the customer and their experience. You can use this magic right away. Find an excuse to use the customer or client’s name as often as you can (in a positive way) and the results will be extraordinary. While you are at it, learn the gate-keepers name too – you will be surprised how often they can hold the door open for you.

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