The Changing Face of Sales


Virtual selling sucks! “I hear this all the time but the real truth is that too many salespeople have simply not been upskilled for virtual selling success,” says Mark Keating, CEO of SalesGuru.

Even prior to the pandemic, many companies were not achieving the level of required sales results from their sales force. Then overnight, sales professionals who had been used to selling face to face, were forced into virtual selling, relegated to the corner of a screen.

Companies are more reliant now than ever on their sales force to acquire new customers, retain and grow them. Yet the majority of salespeople have not bought into virtual selling and this has led to weak sales pipelines, poor results and demotivated sales teams.

“Many business and sales professionals are struggling to adapt to the new way of selling. Unfortunately they don’t have a choice – we all need to adopt virtual selling as the new normal,” says Mark. “Although virtual selling is simply another tool, if you weren’t cracking it face to face, you are most likely really battling to close deals now.”

The bottom line is virtual selling is here to stay. “It has become a critical skill and is what is going to keep your business and the economy moving,” says Mark. “To remain competitive, sales professionals need to shift the way they engage with prospects and customers. Fostering openness and building trust is key in creating connections in these uncertain times.”

Have you changed the way you engage? Do you prepare properly for a virtual meeting? Do you project the right image? Have you modified your sales pitch? Do you have a virtual selling process?

SalesGuru has created a brand new course specifically around virtual selling. If you or your team need help in adjusting to virtual selling, contact us on

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