Sales Training: Removing excuses and self-limiting beliefs


Excuses, self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can put a huge damper on your sales performance. Negativity is contagious, it creeps into our everyday thinking through the smallest of exposures, and if we allow it, begins to take over our mindset. It’s easy to blame a missed sale on external factors, but it’s much harder to look inward and eliminate the internal obstacles that are holding us back. This article will explore the importance of removing excuses and self-limiting beliefs and provide actionable sales training tips that can help you transform your mindset and take your sales game to the next level.

Identify your excuses and self-limiting beliefs

The first step in eliminating excuses and self-limiting beliefs is to identify them. Reflect on your thought patterns – what excuses do you commonly rely on to explain away failures? What beliefs do you hold about yourself and your abilities that may be limiting your performance? These could be anything from “It’s impossible to meet my targets in a flat economy” to “I can’t close deals with big clients”.

Challenge your excuses and beliefs

Once you’ve identified your excuses and self-limiting beliefs, the next step is to challenge them. Are they really true? You may find that many of your excuses are not based on fact, but on fear or self-doubt. How can you change that mindset and cultivate one that’s uplifting?

Develop a sales training growth mindset

A growth mindset is an attitude that says you can always improve and grow. Instead of seeing failures as evidence of your inherent limitations, you see them as learning experiences and opportunities to develop new skills through sales training. It’s important to cultivate a mindset of opportunity, instead of one of limitations or excuses.

Watch your language

Negative self-talk can be incredibly damaging and can hold you back from reaching your potential. Pay attention to the words and phrases you use when you talk to yourself. If you notice negative self-talk, actively work to reframe those thoughts in a more positive or constructive light. This will allow you to maintain that growth mentality while keeping you mindful of the language that affects you. Avoid negative talk with colleagues at all costs. It is counter-productive and will only further strengthen your excuses and negative beliefs. Your mindset is the foundation to your potential success, so develop one that is conducive to growth.

Set sales training goals and take action

The most critical step of all is to set goals and take action. When you set specific goals, you have a clear target to work towards. Act on these goals. Be proactive about working towards them and push yourself to achieve more than the goal you set. When setting higher goals for yourself make sure they align with your organisation’s bottom-line. The best way to do this is through regular strategy meetings with your sales managers.

Removing excuses and self-limiting beliefs is crucial to achieving success in sales. You need to identify and challenge these limiting beliefs in order to grow and improve in your role. Be cognisant of your approach to developing a growth mindset and avoiding negative self-talk as well as negative talk with your colleagues. Set goals and act on them. A willingness to let go of excuses will enable you to transform your sales game and achieve the success you desire.

Are your excuses holding you back from achieving your true potential? Check out our Sales Training programmes or get in touch with our team of superstar trainers today!

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