Sales Coaching: Overcoming the “Your Price is Too High” Objection


In the competitive world of sales, encountering the objection “your price is too high” is almost inevitable. Prospects often assert this to test the waters, gauge your flexibility and see if they can negotiate a better deal. As a salesperson, how you handle this objection can make or break the sale. This is where effective sales coaching comes into play, equipping you with the skills and strategies to navigate these conversations with confidence and finesse.


Understand the Prospect’s Perspective

When a prospect claims that your price is too high, they are typically motivated by one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Budget Constraints: They may genuinely lack the budget to afford your product or service.
  2. Value Perception: They might not fully understand or appreciate the value your offering provides.
  3. Negotiation Tactics: Often, prospects will use this objection as a tactic to see if there is any flexibility in your pricing.

A good sales coach teaches that understanding these underlying motivations is crucial. It’s not enough to take the objection at face value; you must dig deeper to uncover the true concerns and address them effectively.


Shift the Conversation from Price to Value

One of the core principles of sales coaching is to shift the focus from price to value. Here’s how:

  1. Emphasise Unique Value Propositions: Clearly articulate what sets your product or service apart from the competition. Highlight the unique features, benefits and outcomes that justify your pricing. Example: “Our solution offers advanced analytics and 24/7 customer support, ensuring you get real-time insights and continuous assistance that competitors can’t match.”
  2. Use Case Studies and Testimonials: Provide concrete examples of how your product or service has delivered significant value to other clients. This helps prospects see the tangible benefits and ROI. Example: “Our client, XYZ Corp, saw a 30% increase in efficiency within six months of implementing our solution, resulting in substantial cost savings.”
  3. Ask Probing Questions: Engage the prospect in a dialogue to understand their needs and pain points better. This allows you to tailor your value proposition to their specific situation. Example: “Can you share more about the challenges you’re facing? How would solving this impact your business?”


Address the Budget Constraint

If budget is a genuine concern, a sales coach would recommend the following strategies:

  1. Offer Flexible Payment Options: Propose different pricing models, payment plans or financing options that can make the purchase more manageable. Example: “We offer a flexible payment plan that allows you to spread the cost over six months, easing the financial burden.”
  2. Prioritise Features: Help the prospect identify which features are most critical to their needs and offer a scaled-down version that fits their budget while still delivering essential value. Example: “We can customise the package to include the core features you need most, ensuring it fits within your budget.”
  3. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Highlight the long-term savings and benefits of your product or service. Show how the initial investment will pay off over time. Example: “While the upfront cost is higher, our solution will reduce your operational costs by 20% annually, resulting in significant long-term savings.”


Handling Negotiation Tactics

When prospects use the “too expensive” objection as a negotiation tactic, effective sales coaching can help you maintain your pricing integrity while still moving the sale forward:

  1. Stand Firm on Value: Confidently restate the value and benefits of your offering. Avoid immediately jumping to discounts, which can undermine the perceived value. Example: “I understand that budget is a concern, but it’s important to consider the comprehensive value our solution provides, including increased efficiency and long-term savings.”
  2. Explore Other Concessions: If a discount is unavoidable, consider offering non-monetary concessions, such as extended warranties, additional services or training sessions. Example: “While we typically don’t discount, I can offer an additional training session to ensure your team gets the most out of our solution.”
  3. Gauge Commitment: Use the objection as an opportunity to assess the prospect’s commitment and urgency. If they are genuinely interested, they may be more willing to find a way to make the budget work. Example: “If budget is the only concern holding you back, let’s explore how we can make this work for you without compromising on value.”


Handling the “your price is too high” objection effectively requires a nuanced approach that blends understanding, value communication and strategic negotiation. Sales coaching plays a pivotal role in equipping sales professionals with the skills and confidence to address this common objection head-on.


At SalesGuru, our expert sales coaching programs are designed to help you master these techniques and turn objections into opportunities. Contact us today to learn how we can help you elevate your sales performance and close deals with confidence.

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