
“For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” – Rudyard Kipling


If you want your team to finish strong this year, you – the manager – need to finish strong. We are told when taking a flight that in the event of an emergency, we must put our own oxygen mask on first before we can help anyone else. It’s the in before out theory. If you are to serve and assist anyone in your team, you need to consider your own emotional wellbeing. Remember why you said yes and what your reasons are. You cannot motivate your team until you have enough ‘oxygen’ for yourself.

Questions to consider:

  • Why have you said yes to this role?
  • What is your number one reason for working?
  • Why does it matter to you?
  • How important is it that you and your team get there?
  • Who will suffer if you and your team don’t get there?
  • What do you need to finish strong?


From your sales team’s point of view:

  • What does your team need to hear from you in terms of encouragement and positivity?
  • How will you build them up and ensure you help them to find the mental resilience needed to finish strong?
  • How will you ensure that their Minimal Acceptable Standards remain the focus and the team remain focused and productive not busy?


This is the time to focus on productivity and prioritising what matters most, to ensure that you and your team don’t just “survive” the rest of this year, but truly rise above it. It starts with you.


We are here to assist. Contact for sales management training and management coaching. It’s the difference between a mediocre sales team and an unstoppable team.



“For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” - Rudyard Kipling
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