Say what you mean … and mean what you say…

Say what you mean … and mean what you say…

“If you have to look the meaning of a word up … don’t use it.” - Stephen King   Pick up any corporate brochure today and the chances are you will have stumbled across what is the paper-based equivalent of a cup of ...
Cultivating rainmakers for your SME

Cultivating rainmakers for your SME

Business owners need to empower their sales force to make it rain without them by training staff to function in their manager’s absence, says Mark Keating, CEO of SalesGuru The secret is to build a team of individuals that can ...
Are your sales people responsible?

Are your sales people responsible?

Are your salespeople really responsible for their actions? What level of sales performance do you allow?  As a sales manager how often do you discuss and review targets and goals with your team? How much do you let your employees ...
Need referrals? Ask for them!

Need referrals? Ask for them!

A recent study in the sales sphere found that 60% to 80% of referred leads buy. They buy an average of 23% more than cold prospects. They are also four times more likely to refer you to other leads so it clearly pays to ask for ...
Minimal Acceptable Standards

Minimal Acceptable Standards

Where would your sales be if minimal acceptable standards were adhered to?   A sales team is typically made up of a range of performers, from the stars who are always on their A-game and achieve targets, to fairly regular ...

The Power of Habits in Achieving Your Dreams!

Being successful at anything is a matter of persistence. If you want to get a degree, you have to be persistent. If you want to lose weight, you have to be persistent. If you want to be a millionaire, you have to be persistent. None ...
What if your regular buyer leaves the company?

What if your regular buyer leaves the company?

If you have never experienced this, you will. Generally, when you form a relationship, it will be with a person, not a whole organisation. And though you may be providing an ideal value and service to that organisation and making your ...
Competing against the right rivals?

Competing against the right rivals?

Are your salespeople competing against the right rivals? Forget your external competitors for a moment. The key to building a powerhouse of a sales team may depend a lot more on how they square off against one another ...
How well do you really know your competition?

How well do you really know your competition?

A big part of sales success is knowing your competition. Without that knowledge, you cannot expect to sell smartly against them. Knowing who they are is step one, but knowing what they do, how they act, and how you can work that, are ...
Be rejected more for increased success

Be rejected more for increased success

Yes, you read that right. In order to sell more, you need to be rejected more. While sales is certainly an asking business, it’s also a rejection business. Unfortunately for those who are afraid to ask and can’t handle rejection, ...
 Protect your customer…

 Protect your customer…

 Protect your customer base by closing doors Do you ever get the feeling that your competitors are sniffing around your customers, looking for a way in? That’s because they are. Every day, some salesperson somewhere, is thinking of ...
Is sales a career or a job?

Is sales a career or a job?

Is sales just a job for you or is it your intention to carve out a successful and financially rewarding career in sales? If it’s the latter, consider this advice from some of the top sales performers on our radar.   Top ...