“We had 160 underperformers out of 410 sales people when starting the SalesGuru Coaching and Management System. 9 months later, we have reduced the underperformers to only 13 out of 410 sales people. This has had the biggest impact on our results”
Head of Financial Services, Major Bank
Are you struggling with too many of your sales people not achieving their sales targets? If you want to transform the success of your sales team you need a sales management system that works.
Finally, a complete end to end Sales Management and Coaching System for high performance results!
Sales management is one of the most challenging roles in any company and many sales managers struggle at times with the skills and a process to drive high performance. The skills that make a successful sales person are very different to what it takes for sales management success.
Whilst there are many stand-alone courses for sales managers, SalesGuru has spent almost 2 decades perfecting our sales management and coaching system with proven results.
We walk the entire journey with you, from theory, implementation, coaching and coach the coach. A stand out is that we provide the full toolkit and on-going coaching of your sales managers for implementation assistance.
“I truly believe that this program has the greatest impact in achieving high performance sales teams and exceptional results” Mark Keating CEO SalesGuru

We provide a recipe that any Sales manager can follow to:
- Have clarity on exactly what their real role as a Sales Manager is
- Attract the right caliber of salespeople
- Ensure they have the right people in the right roles
- Have a detailed one-on-one discussion with each sales person and create a sales pact
- Inspire each sales team member to do more than just the minimum
- Clarify the company’s, Sales Manager’s and individual sales person’s expectations
- Clarify the sales persons recipe for target achievement with agreed minimal acceptable standards
- Create joint accountability for both the Sales Manager and salespeople
- Establish effective consequence management
- Not carry under performers
- Provide measurable tools for both the sales manager and salespeople
- Achieve a coaching game plan for each salesperson and the team
- Ensure ongoing awesome proactive coaching process according to performance
- Create a consistent high-performance culture
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