Natasha Chemaly

You are rewarded in public for what you practice in private.

Natasha has been in sales for 28 years. She started out in banking and then moved into Asset Management and Investment where she was the trainer/facilitator for new financial planners regarding sales, financial markets, and instruments. She was the preferred trainer for a property group’s senior and middle managers; worked extensively with a logistics company, where she led candidates to attaining their qualification in the IBTA CBP Management Program; while her work with senior blasting engineers and executives in mining services, focused on leadership, management, and selling skills. She also spent time as the facilitator and business coach of a sales and marketing learnership in the chemicals industry.

Natasha holds an international qualification with IBTA as a Certified Business Professional.

As Natasha has been on the other side of training, she knows what people don’t want to hear and vows that she will never allow the word boring to enter her training room.

“The less I talk and the more you talk, the more you learn,” is her motto.

Natasha is passionate, energetic, humorous, authentic, and humble. “I have been in the trenches: learned from my mistakes as well as my successes. Remember, life is a story – strive to make yours a bestseller.”

Loves: Abseiling, kickboxing, and tennis. She is fearless which “can be detrimental, but who doesn’t dare, will always wonder what could’ve been. In another lifetime I would have been a Navy Seal!”

Pet peeves: People who are unkind, uncompassionate, and unable to practice tolerance.

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